Manuel Gutierres - Orthopaedics | OM 33142

PhD in Orthopaedics from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto. 
Licentiate Degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto. 
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto. 
Advanced Graduated orthopaedic Assistant at Hospital S.João, Porto.
Responsible for the Shoulder Unit in Hospital S.João, Porto (Teaching Center SECEC).
Head of Orthopaedic Department Hospital Fernando Pessoa. 
Knee and Shoulder surgery internships at the Mayo Clinic and the Cincinnati Sports Medicine Centre (USA)  
Board member of the Portuguese Knee Society (SPO). 
Board member of the Portuguese Society of orthopaedics and Traumatology (SPOT – since 2011). 
Mastering Health Care Finance (Harvard Medical International). 
Proof reader of the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Portuguese Journal - RPOT.   
Founding member of the Portuguese Knee Society.
Member of the Knee and Shoulder section of the Portuguese Orthopedics Society and Portuguese Arthroscopy Society.  
Member of the European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (SECEC).

Awarded the Prof.Doutor Carlos Lima Prize (attributed to the best research paper in the field of orthopaedics, 2006)  

Ciência Vitae (CV)


Manuel Gutierres @ Hospital Fernando Pessoa: 222 455 455